I'm not sure how we managed to do it but we did and after 9 months of being a part were finally together again :) Over the past month I kept asking Puchi when he was coming but he wouldn't tell me because he was "trying" to surprise me but I told him it's hard to surprise me. (and it is because I'm to investigative and I'll find things out somehow lol) So after awhile I finally got it out of him and he told me he was coming on December 15th which is a thursday and the day before his flight he had to catch a bus from Monticello up to Fayettville (where his uncle lives) so he could catch his flight the next day (thursday). Well he texted me on wednesday saying that he forgot his phone charger back in Monticello and that his battery was dying so he wanted to save it, I told him okay and told him to text me when he can buy a charger and charge his phone.
I had to go to school that day (wednesday), I was busy studying in the library for my last final that day but I took a break and got on the computer and checked my facebook which is when I saw his mom's status wishing him safe travels as he travels to hawaii today! (wednesday) I was like what the...hahaha so I texted Puchi and come to find out he was in L.A. already! I was so shocked because I wasn't expecting him to come til thursday. (so I give him some points for almost surprising me lol)
I believed his phone charger story because he kept talking about his bus trip and how long it was going to be and how they were stopping over in Memphis and how he's always wanted to go there. (because they have the best BBQ according to Food Network <--- thats what he said lol) I couldn't even study anymore because I was so excited, he got into Laie kind of late and I had to go to school the next day to take my last final so I didn't get to see him that night. If I knew he was coming on wednesday I would have signed up to take my last final on wednesday instead of thursday, but as soon as I finished and got back home I went to see him and....
[[to be continued...lol]]